
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Buldak hot noodles

My hot noodles are here!  I'm at least 5+ years behind the trend.  When I ordered it online, I was worried the noodles would be smooshed.  When the box arrived looking like this, my worries were confirmed.

Smooshed box for the hot noodles

When I opened the box, however, the noodles looked intact.  I was happy!

Intact hot noodles

Then when I opened the actual noodle pack, it was just a bit smooshed.

Smooshed hot noodles

I followed the instruction on the pack.  Boiled noodles for five minutes.  Added eight tablespoons of noodle water to the spicy sauce and mixed everything together.  It was above medium spicy for me.  I had a few sniffles.  No hiccups.  No watery eyes.  Maybe the noodle water diluted the spicy sauce.  I will try again with straight up sauce.

8/22/2021 Update 1:  I tried the second pack of noodles without diluting the sauce.  It sure was hot.  I couldn't talk for five minutes.  I had the sniffles.  I didn't cry, but I needed a few sips of milk to mellow the spiciness out.  Wow, that was awesome!

8/23/2021 Update 2:  So I tried the third pack of noodles with straight up sauce and mixed in veggies and hard-boiled eggs.  It was still VERY spicy.  I still couldn't talk for five minutes and needed milk.  So this was the way to do it.  Healthy-ish spicy instant noodles.

Side note:  milk is the way to go to mellow out the spiciness.  I tried ice water.  All it did was fool me thinking, "Oh, it's cold."  When the coldness subsided, the spiciness returned.  DO NOT try green tea.  Not only it didn't take away the spiciness, it somehow intensified it more than doubly.  That was soooo uncomfortable.

May the love be with you! FREE Historical Romance!

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