
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Deadpool (2016), Deadpool 2 (2018)

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON 27 SEPTEMBER 2022:  My gosh, it's been four years!?  I totally forgot how gory, bloody, violent this movie was.  I couldn't watch a lot of scenes where Deadpool got chopped into pieces.  How did I watch this movie in the big screen theater before?

On the other hand, Math Teacher laughed so much he choked.

Perfect timing.  Today Ryan Reynolds put out a video announcing Deadpool 3.  Math Teacher was watching the video while I was cooking.  I only heard the song dropped, "And I~~~ will always love~" in the background.  I asked him what he was watching.  He said, "Deadpool 3 announcement.  Wanna see?"  I said hell no.  I no longer watch any trailers to the movies I want to see.

I thought about it for five minutes, then I got mad at Math Teacher.  "You spoiled the movie for me!  You know that song 'And I~~~ will always love~' is Deadpool's song to Wolverine!  You basically told me Wolverine will be in Deadpool 3 without saying anything!"

So I watched the Deadpool 3 announcement video.  Yes, I was right just by hearing a line of a song.  Wolverine will be in Deadpool 3.

They better not kill off Wolverine again, or I'd be really pissed.  I already cried during Logan (2017); I am not about to cry again.

Updated on 30 June 2024:  I re-watched both movies to prepare for Deadpool & Wolverine (2024).  What I wasn't prepared for was, I CRIED in Deadpool 2, when he reunited with his girlfriend.  Oh no~ I don't know how I would react in theater for Deadpool & Wolverine.  Logan was the ONLY movie that I ever cried during its TRAILER, and then I bawled my eyes out at the end of that movie.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Pumpkin Pie Spiced Banana Bread, ver. 5.2

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON 07 JUNE 2024:  Saw another recipe online; it was almost identical to Pumpkin Pie Spiced Banana Bread, ver. 5.0, except this version 5.2 had no baking powder.  I was curious so I gave it a try.

Weirdly enough; Math Teacher and I tasted no difference without baking powder.  I'm not a baker so I don't understand the science.  But, I understand money.  If I don't need baking powder for the banana bread, then I won't use it.  Save some money.

I will try again to make sure it's not a fluke.  I'll post the recipe, a picture, and a final verdict.

UPDATED ON 29 JUNE 2024:  I made the bread one more time with baking soda only, and one more time with both baking soda and baking powder.  Strangely, the bread with baking soda only either was about 5% too greasy or 5% too dry.  The bread with both baking soda and baking powder was fluffy and the right amount of non-greasy and non-dry.  I didn't understand how extra air from the baking powder could make something non-greasy and non-dry, given all other ingredients were the same.  I guess I'm still making the original recipe with both baking soda and baking powder.

I've decided to start measuring the amounts of chopped walnuts and chocolate chips that I mixed into the bread.  In the past that I merely eyeballed it.  This time I used 1/4 cups of walnuts and 1/4 cups of chocolate chips.  Walnuts were not enough; chocolates were enough.  When I figure out the exact measurements, I'll post the recipe, a picture, and a final verdict.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Fast X (2023) Trailer & Movie Review

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON 30 MARCH 2023:  This is my first time reviewing a trailer.  I couldn't help it.  When I saw the trailer for Fast X, I laughed out loud.  Then Jason Momoa showed up.  So I'm definitely seeing this movie, even though I never watched Fast & Furious 2 ~ 9.  I could barely remember The Fast and the Furious (2001) that started it all.  I watched only 1/3 of Fast & Furious Presents:  Hobbs & Shaw (2019).

I noticed The Rock is not in Fast X.  Wonder why.  Is it because the movie can contain only so much muscles at one time?

Math Teacher prediction:  Jason Momoa joins the family and becomes one of the good guys.

UPDATED ON 21 JUNE 2024:  This was a great movie to watch when one was sick.  Math Teacher and I were both sick, but this movie was so ridiculous that we were so riled up that we forgot to cough and sneeze.  It was one dumb thing after another.  Why would they bring a boy into the battle?  If they were going to bring the boy into the battle, why drove across the desert to hide?  Then they jumped out of an airplane, leaving the airplane door open and endanger everyone else on the plane?  Then the boy learned to kill when he was twelve years old without remorse?

Gravity and physics did not exist in this franchise.

Maybe because I didn't watch the previous movies, but how did they all have their own cars in every country they went?  If those cars were rentals, how did they immediately feel comfortable driving rental cars?  And the rental cars were all equipped with their favorite gadgets?

Math Teacher's review of Fast & Furious Presents:  Hobbs & Shaw (2019) - this movie was more fun.  There were a lot of self-deprecating jokes, and the actions were good.  Unlike Vin Diesel in Fast & Furious franchise, he acted like he was a saint and could do no wrong, and only the side characters could make mistakes.

Jason Momoa was the best thing in Fast X.  He was adorable.  I will be copying his hairstyle.  Math Teacher was actually rooting for him to kill off all Fast & Furious characters.

I asked Math Teacher now we know Jason Momoa will be in Fast XI, will he watch the sequel.  He was struggling to answer.  Jason Momoa either dies, and Math Teacher would be pissed, or Jason Momoa joins this stupid franchise, and Math Teacher would be pissed, too.

Monday, June 17, 2024

もののけ姫 / Princess Mononoke (1997)

Second time watching this movie, still thought it strange.  The title was about Princess Mononoke, but the movie was about the boy.  I found it strange that every human in the movie was able to run as fast as animals and jump across huge boulder rocks on the river without slipping.

Math Teacher couldn't understand the whole thing.  I said it was about destroying nature.  He said something must be lost in translation.  Yes, it was about humans destroying nature, but what was the motive?  What was the resolution?  Nothing changed in the movie.  The humans didn't learn any lessons.  The animals still hated humans.  The next war was inevitable.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)

They tried to expand the universe and give backstory to a lot of things. They made this movie darker and grittier. I don't like movies that made me think. This was supposed to be senseless action mindless summer entertainment.

For example, there were the Citadel, the Bullet Farm, and the Gas Town. The economy was barter system, but it got me thinking. This economy was unsustainable because there was no actual food. They showed cabbages, but they didn't show people working on farms.

Then there was the man-to-woman ratio. It seemed 100 men to 1 woman.  Only the top brass got to breed, but the sons looked deformed. In the beginning they kidnapped Furiosa because she was a potential breeder, but half way through it seemed everyone forgot she was a woman. I was hoping she lost her arm early on so they didn't see her as a perfect breeder, but no. She lost her arm towards the end. So it got me thinking; this population was unsustainable.

Anya Taylor-Joy is not Charlize Theron. Nobody is Charlize Theron.  
Charlize Theron is currently the only woman in movies that is beautiful and can act. Anya Taylor-Joy tried to look tough, but Charlize Theron's eyes showed more dominance.

I'm surprised that Chris Hemsworth was a good villain. He was batshit crazy, but they also gave him a deep side by saying to Furiosa, "You kill me. I'm dead, but you live on in misery."  Eff! It made me too sad.

Overall, not as good as Mad Max:  Fury Road (2015), and they knew it, because at the end they showed clips of Fury Road to sum up the movie. I was glad to see Fury Road on big screen again, but 
Furiosa:  A Mad Max Saga simply forgot it was supposed to be fun.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Gladiator (2000), Napoleon (2023) trailer, Joker: Folie a Deux (2024) trailer, Joaquin Phoenix face review

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON 01 SEPTEMBER 2023:  I don't know much about Joaquin Phoenix and his movies, except Gladiator.  Joaquin Phoenix was so good that my mother was creeped out by him during the movie.

That was year 2000.  Fast forward 23 years.

Math Teacher showed me a trailer of Napoleon (2023).  He was intrigued and wanted to see the movie.  I was more of "Who's that guy?  He looks familiar."

Then they put a crown on him.  I shouted, "That was him!  The emperor from Gladiator!"

Math Teacher replied, "Joaquin Phoenix."

I said, "Yes, he has that 'emperor' face."

Math Teacher said, "He has that 'I murdered hundreds and thousands of people to be your emperor' face."

All Hail Emperor Joaquin Phoenix.

UPDATED ON 13 JUNE 2024: This is a review for Joaquin Phoenix's face again in Folie a Deux trailer. He was unbelievable. The end of the trailer was him looking like a middle-aged man, broken, despondent, desperate, someone went through life of paying taxes, mortgage, and insurance. Then he turned around to scrunch up his face into Joker's smile. Immediately he was creepy, scary, someone that would enjoy stabbing you multiple times. I got chills.

Math Teacher believed that face was CGI'ed. I'd like to believe Joaquin Phoenix is that good.  I'm never going to see Joker:  Folie a Deux because he is too scary.  He would give me nightmares.

Long Live Emperor Joaquin Phoenix.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

How much do I love this movie!  Charlize Theron was so pretty.  Even when they tried to make her ugly, she was still pretty.

Tom Hardy is such a great actor.  I can't believe he was Bane, Venom (2018), and Mad Max.  Those were three completely different characters.  In Mad Max, he spoke few words, but he totally conveyed his feelings through grunts and movements.  Nothing was amiss.

Furiosa was so bad ass.  She was tough, determined, willing to sacrifice anything to get to her goal, yet she was caring and willing to listen to advice.

The plot was bare minimum, but the action sequences were insane and over-the-top.  This was definitely a movie to be seen in a theater.

HALLOWEEN + Spooky Good Sales!

Halloween is here! Are you trick-or-treating? What costume are you planning on wearing? I'll be home giving out candies. I haven'...